Head of Department, Radiology, Moscow District Vascular Centre, Krasnogorsk, Moscow District (Rusia)
Aprobat de către Consiliul Medical de Avizare Diagnose.me la 22.04.2015
Expertiză în imagistică pediatrică, neuroimagistică și imagistică a întregului corp. Șef al Departamentului de Radiologie de la Centrul Vascular Districtual din Moscova. Bursă de cercetare la Yale Medical School.
Sunt un radiolog academician musculo-scheletal și neuroradiolog cu expertiză în imagistică pediatrică și corporală.
Dr Yakimov sent me a report which included an enlarged image of a section of my x-ray with pointers and a comment, which he had added to precisely explain his concerns. Also Dr Yakimov identified a potential problem that another specialist had diagnosed, which I had not included in my question: this verifies that diagnosis and enables me to take the next steps.
I appreciated the report being done urgently due to another Doctor returning the case. Thank you
I was very happy with my specialist. They presented me with a prompt detailed report and they were very engaged throughout the entire process. They were able to answer any question I had and supplied me with any technical information I asked for.
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