Board Member, Austrian Society for Haematology and Medical Oncology, Vienna (Австрија)
Одобрено од Медицинскиот Совет на на 04.01.2022.
Фокусиран на консултации и третмани на пациенти со гинеколошки малигности (дојка, матка, цервикални и оваријални), гастроинтестинални канцери (привратник, стомак, мал и голем интестин, панкреас, жолчни патишта), урогенитални тумори (простата, уринарен бубрег, бубрези) и канцер на глава и врат.
The diagnosis matched the diagnosis of the doctor who is treating me. I appreciated the suggestions for further steps after the surgery. I received the opinion very quickly, within a week of submitting the data through Thank you very much.
Thank you very much to the doctor for the prompt, professional, and clear report, as well as for the reassurance regarding the established treatment, possible alternatives, and overall humane approach. I wish him all the best in both his professional and personal life.
I am very satisfied, now I know exactly how the treatment for my diagnosis should proceed, I recommend it to all patients because it will open their eyes to what treatment options they have.
English, Deutsch, Плус 22 јазици со медицински превод.