Valentin Sinitsyn, MD, PhD, Prof.

Valentin Sinitsyn, MD, PhD, Prof.

Абдоминална слика

Добијте второ медицинско мислење.

Head of Radiology Chair and Department, Radiology, University Hospital of Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), Moscow (Русија)

Одобрено од Медицинскиот Совет на на 31.05.2013.

Овој специјалист не е достапен до 27.01.2025.

Еден од водечките европски радиолози со повеќе од 30 години искуство. Бивш претседател на Европскиот конгрес за радиологија и моментален претседател на Руското друштво за радиологија.

Абдоминална слика Сликање на срцето Неврорадиолог Онколошко сликање Снимање на крвните садови Урогенитално сликање
Моето искуство
41 година
Потребно за извештај
MRI, CT • X-ray • Nuclear Imaging • Blood lab results • Doctor report
Може да ја прегледате
MRI, CT • X-ray • Nuclear Imaging • Blood lab results • Doctor report
Што клиентите кажуваат за мене

"Words cannot describe just how brilliant my experience with diagnose,me was, I will try: It was easy to do (which is saying something for a techno dinosaur like myself), the response was quick (much, much quicker than local doctors), the feedback from the doctor was comprehensive and thorough...but, more importantly than all of this: he picked up something that none of the other doctors have noticed in over four years of me having pain and having seen nearly 30 specialists in my own country. I am incredibly grateful and wish I could give Doctor Sinitsyn a big thank you hug! From now on, if I ever need any medical diagnosis I will get Dr. Sinitsyn to give a second was invaluable."

(41 преглед)

Прегледи на клиентите

  • 03.10.2024, Anonymous patient

    Thank you very much Dr. Valentin Sinitsyn, MD, PhD, Prof.. I appreciate your opinion and the time you devoted to my health problem. Once again, thank you very much, I will continue to consult your assessment of my health condition with professional medical specialists. Your opinion is highly professional and comprehensible even for a layman.

  • 05.09.2024, Monika

    I am very grateful for the quick and especially very thorough assessment from Dr. Sinitsyn, where he provided not only a detailed description of the displayed pathologies, but also recommendations for further solutions/investigations. This report even described the findings that were omitted from the original report of the radiology clinic and thus gave me a chance for a proper early examination and solution. Thank you very much!

  • 26.06.2024, Anonymous patient

    Second time applying to dr sinitsyn for a second opinion. And consistently with the first time he was very thorough in his report and answered the additional questions quickly and in a detailed manner. Excellent choice for a second opinion on radiology

Искуство и обука

  • January 2006 - Денес
    Head of Radiology Chair and Department, Radiology, University Hospital of Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), Moscow (Русија)
  • January 1988 - January 2008
    Radiologist and Senior Researcher, Russian Cardiology Research Center, Moscow (Русија)
  • September 1984 - August 1991
    Resident and Fellow, Radiology, All-Union Cardiology Centre, Sechenov Medical University (Moscow), Moscow (Русија)
  • January 1978 - January 1984
    Professor of Radiology, Radiology, Sechenov Moscow Medical University, Moscow (Русија)

Лиценци и членства

Член на:
  • European Society of Radiology (ESR)
  • RSNA
  • ISR
  • European Society of Cardiac Radiology (ESСR)
  • American College of Radiology (ACR)
  • Russian Society of Radiology
  • French Society of Radiology
  • Serbian Society of Radiology


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Valentin Sinitsyn, MD, PhD, Prof. има објавено 100+ публикации:

Достапни јазици за извештаи

English, Русский, Плус 22 јазици со медицински превод.
