Consultant, Department of Cardiology, Clinic Floridsdorf, Vienna Healthcare Group, Vienna (Австрија)
Одобрено од Медицинскиот Совет на на 20.03.2017.
Дијагностицирање и третман на кардиоваскуларни заболувања (на пример, артериска хипертензија, коронарна болест на срцето, конгестивна срцева недостаточност, вентиларни заболувања).
Thank you for the highly professional opinion. I will follow your professional advice to maintain the health of my heart.
Thank you very much for the speedy processing of my request. I will consult your opinion with my specialist doctor. I am very glad that I have such an opportunity to use the opinion of a specialist and an expert from abroad such as Dr. Uray and thank you very much for the review.
Thank you! Thank you Silvia (helpdesk) and the doctors for the kind and truthful consultation and conclusions
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