Associate Professor, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna (Austria)
Approved by Medical Advisory Board on 09 Dec 2015
Focused on the diagnosis and treatment of cancer and research in the field of targeted therapies. Director of the metastatic breast cancer program, co-director of the brain metastases program, and associate professor of medicine at the Medical University of Vienna.
Thank you very much for your expert opinion. The proposal of treatment was also of great help to me.
Druhý posudok, ktorý poskytol prof. dr. Bartsch bol nami vo veľmi krátkom čase konzultovaný a následne akceptovaný našim ošetrujúcim lekárom a podľa jeho názoru bola upravená ďalšia liečba. Ocenili by sme, ak by v rámci poplatku mohol byť prípad otvorený aj dlhšie a špecialistovi by sme mohli klásť aj ďalšie otázky - po určitom čase, keď bude odpoveď na zmenu odporúčaného liečba sa prejavuje v organizme pacienta. V každom prípade vám ďakujeme za pomoc!
THANK YOU for your opinion. It is very difficult for me to consult my condition with my doctor, given the time constraints he is in due to the enormous number of patients waiting for his work.
Rupert Bartsch, MD, Prof. has published 100+ publications:
English, Deutsch, plus 22 languages with medical translation