Philip Scheltens, MD, PhD, Prof.

Philip Scheltens, MD, PhD, Prof.


500,- € 0,- €
Získat druhý lékařský posudek

Professor of Neurology, Alzheimer Center, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Amsterdam (Holandsko)

Schváleno Odbornou lékařskou komisí dne 01 May 2021

Global opinion leader in the Alzheimer’s field. Neurologist at Alzheimer Centre, Amsterdam University Medical Centers Amsterdam. Full Professor of (Cognitive) Neurology. Author and Co-author of over 1100 publications. Main clinical and research interests are Alzheimer, biomarkers and treatment.

Počet let praxe
30 let
Nezbytné pro zprávu
MRI, CT • Nuclear Imaging • Blood lab results • Doctor report
Může přezkoumat
MRI, CT • Nuclear Imaging • Blood lab results • Doctor report

O mně

I have initiated a large scientific and societal action plan to improve prevention, treatment and care for dementia in the Netherlands, entitled Deltaplan Dementie in 2012, which has already supported a large number of research projects on dementia, increased societal awareness and improved health care for dementia patients.In 2011 I became a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. In 2016 I was awarded the European Grand Prix for Alzheimer’s Research. In November 2018 Expertscape recognized me as one of the leading experts in the world in Alzheimer's disease.

In 2020 I was knighted in the Order of the Netherlands Lion as a recognition for my entire career in the field of dementia. I am Honorary Professor of Neurology at several world-leading universities. Since October 2020 I am also managing partner of the LSP Dementia Fund.

Recenze klientů

  • 22 Nov 2024, Anonymní pacient

    A very professional approach and quick service. The report was highly beneficial and insightful for me, providing a basis for taking the necessary next steps.

Zkušenosti a školení

  • Říjen 1991 - Dnes
    Professor of Neurology, Alzheimer Center, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Amsterdam (Holandsko)

Licence a členství

  • 19023713501, Holandsko

Nahlásit jazyky

English, plus 22 jazyků s lékařským překladem