Section Head of Functional and Morphological Musculoskeletal Radiology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna (Австрија)
Одобрено од Медицинскиот Совет на на 20.05.2014.
Висока експертиза за дијагностицирање на невролошки патологии кај деца. Посебен интерес за педијатриски тумори на мозокот, детска епилепсија и неврогенетски нарушувања. Искуство во Белгија, Канада, Италија и Велика Британија.
"a very prompt, detailed and clear report that i could easily understand. when compared to the one completed by the NHS here there was no comparison. i am very very pleased i did this - using this report i can actually get the treatment i need as several things were missed for the NHS report. "
(46 оценувања)Very comprehensibly described MRI images and excellent recommendation.
I really liked how the doctor explained exactly, in a way that everyone could understand, the problem we had and the solutions we need to adopt.
Doctor Weidekamm provided me with a comprehensive diagnosis report, which included images from the MRI scan with arrows indicating the problematic areas. Furthermore, Ms. Weidekamm was able to identify additional issues that my local radiologist had previously missed. I'm very grateful for her help and certainly recommend her to other patients.
English, Deutsch, Плус 22 јазици со медицински превод.