Neurology, Integrative Neurology, PC, Port Jeff Station (Соединети Држави)
Одобрено од Медицинскиот Совет на на 26.04.2016.
Меѓународен експерт за детска радиологија со над 30 години искуство, 8 напишани книги и напишани над 120 статии. Се школувал на Универзитетот во Бостон, Медицинскиот факултет Харвард и Универзитетот Еразмус во Ротердам.
"Thank you very much Dr. Frank W Telang for the interpretation of my images!"
(15 оценувања)Dr. Telang provided me with a detailed assessment of my case that probably cannot fit into a structured disease diagnosis. He added a couple reccommendations on what my doctors may
consider, improving the chance that something is discovered that secures a diagnosis. I am really thankful for his thoughts and have already forwarded them to my doctors in Slovakia.
Very professional statement about the diagnosis. The doctor goes into detail about every point of the described problem. The recommendations are clear and understandable. I am fully satisfied with the assessment.
Understandable, I'm satisfied
Frank W Telang, MD има објавено 100+ публикации:
English, Polski, Плус 22 јазици со медицински превод.