Associate Professor of Radiology, Neuroradiology, University of Washington, Seattle (Соединети Држави)
Одобрено од Медицинскиот Совет на на 13.03.2014.
Вонреден професор и виш лекар на Медицинскиот универзитет во Виена. Фокусиран на цервикална дисплазија, ХПВ и генетско советување. Високо искуство во полето на минимално инвазивна хирургија и лапароскопија со помош на робот.
"Absolutely brilliant. Very detailed and informative report. Much more detailed and helpful to me than the one my original radiographer did. The report has really put my mind at rest as my questions were directly answered in detail. I can very much recommend Doctor Basar Sarikaya. Thank you. "
(7 оценувања)We are very satisfied with the doctor. We deliberately did not include any details from the first opinion doctor or our private concerns. The doctor addressed the problems precisely and explained the findings clearly.
A very useful opinion confirming the previous doctor's finding
Phenomenal radiologist. As a nurse, I would highly recommend!!
Basar Sarikaya, MD има објавено 50+ публикации:
English, Türkçe, Плус 22 јазици со медицински превод.