Consultant ENT, The Bougainvillea Clinic Private Hospital, Road Town (Британски Девствени Острови)
Одобрено од Медицинскиот Совет на на 14.02.2021.
Назална блокада, отежнато дишење, 'рчење, апнеја при спиење, проблеми со слухот, тинитус, проблеми со синусите, рекурентни инфекции на горните дишни патишта, проблеми со тироидната/паратироидната жлезда третирани хируршки, болести на плунковните жлезди, рак на главата и вратот, бенигни тумори и…
Thank you for your review. I'm glad I got an independent second opinion and can now start with treatment with provided information
The report was very useful for me and I want to thank the doctor for the prompt answer to additional question
I have received the missing information and the reasons for the indicated procedure for my little son, which I needed for an informed decision. It was clear from the assessment that the doctor had thoroughly reviewed the provided materials and clearly explained his recommendations and conclusions. Additionally, exceeding my expectations, he also evaluated and explained the previous course of treatment for my son and provided guidelines for care until the procedure, for which I am very grateful. Honestly, even though I had hoped for a different outcome and I’m not happy that we cannot avoid surgery, I now feel good about it.
English, Čeština, Slovenčina, Плус 22 јазици со медицински превод.