Radiologist, Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI), Antoni van Leeuwenhoek hospital, Amsterdam (Nīderlande)
Apstiprinājusi Medicīniskā konsultatīvā padome, datums 22.01.2014
Specializējas neiroradioloģijā, koncentrējoties uz neiroradioloģiju un galvas un kakla attēlveidošanu. Sadarbojas ar Nīderlandes Vēža institūtu.
"Dear Doctor: I am very satisfied with this report, since your opinion is consistent with one of my trustworthy and professional radiologist and the other doctor who worked in the most authoritative hospital in Taiwan. Summarized by three different doctors, I have more confidence that I can try to have conservative treatment to ease my neck pain; meanwhile, my fear of operation is greatly lowered. The most important of all is that you don't know me, which made this diagnosis ultimately objective."
(5 atsauksmju)Kopš 2003. gada esmu vispārējās radioloģijas speciālists, bet kopš 2005. gada specializējos neiroradioloģijā. Turklāt kopš 2011. gada esmu pievērsies onkoloģiskajai neiroradioloģijai un galvas un kakla attēlveidošanai. Mana galvenā interese ir analizēt neparastus gadījumus.
Pašlaik strādāju Antonija van Līvenhoka slimnīcā, kas ir saistīta ar Nīderlandes Vēža institūtu. Esmu arī radiologs privātajā magnētiskās rezonanses centrā MRI Centrum, kas atrodas Amsterdamā, Roterdamā, Den Boshā, Groningenā un Bredā.
neat and precise
Dear Doctor:
I am very satisfied with this report, since your opinion is consistent with one of my trustworthy and professional radiologist and the other doctor who worked in the most authoritative hospital in Taiwan. Summarized by three different doctors, I have more confidence that I can try to have conservative treatment to ease my neck pain; meanwhile, my fear of operation is greatly lowered.
The most important of all is that you don't know me, which made this diagnosis ultimately objective.
Thank you Dr.,
the report was delivered in the short time I asked for and was complete and helpful,with clear advice.
Real second opinion.
Philip Pevenage, MD ir publicējis 25+ publikāciju:
English, Nederlands, pieskaitot 22 valodas ar medicīnisko tulkojumu