Cardio-Thoracic and general Consultant Radiologist, Ospedale Regionale di Lugano EOC, Lugano (Šveice)
Apstiprinājusi Medicīniskā konsultatīvā padome, datums 12.12.2013
Starptautiskā Eiropas pieredze: Romā, Karaliskās koledžas slimnīcā Londonā, Lillē, Francijā un Šveicē. Pieredze onkoloģijā, sirds un krūškurvja, vēdera dobuma un traumu radioloģijā.
"I was worried for a suspected lung nodule on a recently-performed thoracic X-ray of my mother-in-law. The second opinion of Dr. Argentieri was detailed and easily understandable. Dr. Argentieri clearly discussed the nature of this radiographic alteration, which seems to be as of normal finding in people of her age, differently from what it was stated in the original report of the exam. Moreover, he also described an esophageal finding which helped my mother-in-law focusing and understanding some complaints she was experiencing since the last few months. Then, he gave her many pieces of advice in order to further explore this finding. I strongly recommend Dr. Argentieri for a second opinion. Thank you, Dr. Argentieri! "
(15 atsauksmju)Man ir starptautiska Eiropas pieredze: medicīnas diploms, ko ieguvu Romas universitātē “La Sapienza”, specializācijas apmācība prestižajā Londonas Karaliskās koledžas slimnīcā un stažēšanās Hôpital Calmette – universitātes centrā Lillē, Francijā.
Pašlaik esmu kardiotorakālās radioloģijas ārsts Tičīno, Šveicē.
Mana galvenā specializācija ir onkoloģija, kuņģa un zarnu trakta, uroģenitālā un traumatoloģiskā radioloģija, taču man ir pieredze visās radioloģijas metodēs.
An interpretation based on the patient's understanding is very useful for the patient.
clear and accurate report
Prompt response to the first request and also to additional questions, very good and detailed assessment of the case - comprehensible even for me, great help in further decision-making.
English, Français, Italiano, Español, pieskaitot 22 valodas ar medicīnisko tulkojumu