Chief of the Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Faculty of Medicine University of Niš, Niš (Serbija)
Apstiprinājusi Medicīniskā konsultatīvā padome, datums 13.07.2013
Vairāk nekā 22 gadu pieredze neiroradioloģijā un intervences neiroradioloģijā.
"I would like to say a big thank you to Prof. Stojanov for his knowledgeable advice in the meaning of the indepth MRI a CT analysis, which he provided me. Professor Stojanov replied within one day a provided me a detailed report with explanation of current status and expected results, as well as some details about medical treatment and convalescence. I would like to stay in touch with Prof. Stojanov in case if further consultation is needed. Many thanks again."
(4 atsauksmju)Pašlaik strādāju par neiroradiologu un radiologu MR, datortomogrāfijas un rentgena metodēs, kā arī par intervences neiroradiologu Nišas Klīniskā centra Radioloģijas institūtā. Strādāju arī kā asociētais profesors radioloģijā Nišas Universitātes Medicīnas fakultātē Serbijā, un esmu asociētais profesors radioloģijā Banja Lukas Universitātes Medicīnas fakultātē Bosnijā un Hercegovinā.
Fast delivery of the report. Helped me a lot. Thank you
I would like to say a big thank you to Prof. Stojanov for his knowledgeable advice in the meaning of the indepth MRI a CT analysis, which he provided me. Professor Stojanov replied within one day a provided me a detailed report with explanation of current status and expected results, as well as some details about medical treatment and convalescence. I would like to stay in touch with Prof. Stojanov in case if further consultation is needed. Many thanks again.
Dear Dr. Dragan,
I thank you for your MRI Brain analysis. It was very useful for me. It has dissolved my worries about my medical problem. Your analysis made me confident that my brain is all right and I can focus on searching for a different problem.
The analysis was done professionally, and quickly. I would definitively use your services again, if needed.
I wish you everything best in your personal and professional life.
Your Patient
Dragan Stojanov, MD, Prof. ir publicējis 50+ publikāciju:
English, Български, Hrvatski, Македонски, Српски / Srpski, Bosanski, pieskaitot 22 valodas ar medicīnisko tulkojumu