Approved by Medical Advisory Board on 20 Mar 2017
Consultant, Department of Cardiology, Clinic Floridsdorf, Vienna Healthcare Group, Vienna (Austria)
Kardiolog • Dijagnostika i liječenje kardiovaskularnih bolesti (npr. arterijska hipertenzija, koronarna bolest srca, kongestivno zatajenje srca, valvularna bolest srca).
Certifikovani specijalista interne medicine i intenzivne skrbi sa više od 15 godina iskustva u internoj medicini, intenzivnoj skrbi i hitnoj medicini. Trenutno radi kao profesor hitne medicine na Medicinskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Beču.
Završio istraživački staž na Medicinskom fakultetu Sveučilišta Pittsburgh. Autor ili koautor više od 40 publikacija u recenziranim međunarodnim časopisima.
Specijalizirao dijagnostiku i liječenje internih bolesti s naglaskom na kardiovaskularne bolesti (npr arterijske hipertenzije, koronarne bolesti srca, kongestivno zatajenje srca).
Thank you for the quick review. You helped me decide on the next course of action.
Thank you for the highly professional opinion. I will follow your professional advice to maintain the health of my heart.
Thank you very much for the speedy processing of my request. I will consult your opinion with my specialist doctor. I am very glad that I have such an opportunity to use the opinion of a specialist and an expert from abroad such as Dr. Uray and thank you very much for the review.
English, Deutsch, plus 22 languages with medical translation