Tony Wingcheong Chi, MD

Approved by Medical Advisory Board on 25 Nov 2013

Tony Wingcheong Chi, MD

CEO, NBIC Clinic (Nagashima Breast Imaging Center), Taipei (Taiwan)

Breast imaging One of the leading Taiwanese radiologists. An expert specialising in breast imaging with almost 30 years of experience. CEO of the Nagashima Breast Imaging Center( in Taipei, providing the highest standard and quality to all women coming to the centre.

Breast imaging
My experience
32 years
Can review
Delivery time
7 workdays
About me

I am a certified breast specialist and radiologist specialising in breast and abdominal imaging in Taiwan with almost 30 years of experience. Currently, I am the CEO of the Nagashima Breast Imaging Center in Taipei. I am also a senior visiting staff at the Min-Sheng Healthcare System, the biggest chain hospital in North Taiwan. I am supporting ER 24 hr. a day through teleradiology.
My research interests are breast Imaging, body medical imaging, teleradiology, and medical Informatics.

Client reviews
  • 26 Oct 2024, Petra

    Thank you very much for the prompt, clear and unequivocal opinion that helped me decide to undergo the operation. This helped me because the results of the examinations and reports I had available differed.

Experience and training
  • January 2010 - Today
    CEO, NBIC Clinic (Nagashima Breast Imaging Center), Taipei (Taiwan)
  • July 2006 - Today
    Senior Visiting Staff, Min-Sheng General Hospital (MSGH), Taoyuan (Taiwan)
  • July 2019 - June 2021
    Adjunct Visiting Staff, Department of Radiology, Mackay Memorial Hospital, Taipei (Taiwan)
  • July 2004 - June 2006
    Director, Department of Medical Imaging, Taiwan Adventist Hospital, Taipei (Taiwan)
  • July 2001 - June 2004
    Visting Staff, Department of Radiology, Saint Paul’s Hospital, Taoyuan (Taiwan)
  • January 2000 - January 2001
    Chief of Staff, Min-Sheng General Hospital (MSGH), Taoyuan (Taiwan)
  • January 1998 - January 2001
    Director, Department of Radiology, Min-Sheng General Hospital (MSGH), Taoyuan (Taiwan)
  • January 1996 - January 1998
    Visiting Staff, Department of Radiology, Min-Sheng General Hospital (MSGH), Taoyuan (Taiwan)
  • January 1995 - January 1996
    Visiting Staff, Department of Radiology, Mackay Memorial Hospital, Taipei (Taiwan)
  • January 1994 - January 1995
    Chief Resident, Department of Radiology, Mackay Memorial Hospital, Taipei (Taiwan)
  • January 1991 - January 1994
    Residency, Department of Radiology, Mackay Memorial Hospital, Taipei (Taiwan)
  • January 1989 - January 1991
    Residency, Department of Surgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan (Taiwan)
Licensures and memberships
Member of:
  • Breast Cancer Society of Taiwan
  • The Society of Ultrasound in Medicine of The ROC
  • Radiological Society of The ROC
  • The Korean Society of Radiology
PubMed profile:

Tony Wingcheong Chi, MD has published 1+ publications:

Report languages

English, 中文, 汉语, plus 22 languages with medical translation