I am a passionate abdominal surgeon with over 15-years of experience and over 2.000 performed surgeries (more than 500 laparoscopically) with specialization in treatment of benign and malignant diseases of abdominal organs including Stomach, Liver, Pancreas, Spleen, Small and Large Intestine (incl. Rectum) and Thyroid as well.
I am specialized in oncological surgery, especially in colorectal and proctological procedures.
Senior Consultant, Klinik für Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie, Chirurgische Onkologie, Klinikum Ansbach, Ansbach (Německo)
Schváleno Odbornou lékařskou komisí dne 14 Jun 2022
Díky svým bohatým klinickým zkušenostem dokážu velmi dobře posoudit zhoubná i nezhoubná onemocnění břicha (kýly, refluxní choroby, onemocnění tenkého a tlustého střeva a proktologie) a nabídnout jiný pohled na léčbu břišních chirurgických problémů.
Thank you for the clear and understandable answer. The report was comprehensive and clarified the questions that were bothering me.
Thank you very much for the professional view and recommendations, I learned information and treatment options that were not told to me by my doctors at all.
Thanks for the clear and understandable report.
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